If you have a wifi extender and you’ve changed your wifi password or wifi provider your cctv may stop working on your mobile because the extender is no longer connected.
This guide shows you how to reset and reconnect the wifi extender to your new router.
You firstly need to reset the extender this can be done by using a pin or tooth pick and pressing and holding the reset button for 8 seconds, this has to be done whilst the extender is powered on. You’ll see all the lights turn off and come back on again with only 2 or 3 lights on.
Now to connect the extender to the new router there are two options. Option 1 is the quickest way but if this does not work reset the extender again and go to option 2.
Option 1:
Simply keep hold of the button on the wifi extender inside the blue circle lights for 5 seconds and you should see the RE light flash now quickly go press the “WPS” button on your router for 5-10 seconds and the wifi extender should automatically connect to your router. The WPS button is either located on the side or on the front of your router.
Once you have done this wait two minutes and the wifi extender should connect to the router, if it does you should see more blue lights appear, the more blue lights the better the signal. Once this has been done, wait a further 10-15 minutes and the cctv should appear online. You may need to close the cctv app and open again.
If you’re still struggling please contact us via the contact us page
Installing the Hik-Connect App.
Install the Hik-Connect on the all the devices you want to see the cctv on. Multiple users can see the cctv at once.
If you have a android phone go to google Play store and search for Hik-Connect – for End User. If you have a iPhone go to App store and search for Hik-Connect – for End User.
Install this software by clicking “Install” or “Get” depending if its android or iPhone. Once installed open the app and swipe left and Click “Start Now”
Click “Agree” on the next page and choose region which is default to United Kingdom then Click “Ok” Followed by “Login/register”
Only one user in the family needs to perform the rest of the Hik-Connect instructions everyone else can stop at this stage.
Now Click the “Register” on the left in the blue writing and Click Agree it’ll now ask you to choose region which is default to united kingdom, Click the tick at the top right hand corner.
It’ll now ask you to enter your email address followed by a password, the password needs to contain numbers, letters and symbols and needs to be 8 characters. Once done click “Get Security Code” (Keep a note of the password)
On the Next screen it’ll ask you to enter security code which is displayed on the right hand side. Once done press “ok” top right corner. It’ll now ask you to enter a 4 digit number which has been emailed to you to confirm the email belongs to you, please check your email and enter the 4 digits followed by clicking “finish”
Now leave it at this stage and the installer will add the device when the cctv is installed.
All other users in the family simply login in using your email and password you have just created.
If you struggle to install this feel free to contact us.
How to change/update wifi on pyronix Burglar Alarm
Note: The alarm will only work with a 2.4GHz WiFi connection. 5GHz will not work.
Press D on the main panel followed by your alarm code.
Now keep pressing No until you see “Wifi Setup” and then press Yes
You should now see “Setup with Wi-Fi Device” press No
It should now display “SSID?” Press Yes
You will either see a blank screen or your old wifi name, use the left and right arrows to move the cursor and use C to clear the characters.
Now Enter your wifi name remember this is case sensitive and you can use the A button to make the character uppercase. Keep pressing 1 for different symbols.
Once you’ve entered the wifi name press Yes and you’ll see “SSID?” again, press No
You’ll now see “Password” Press Yes
Now do the same as above and enter your wifi password, remember the password is case sensitive to. Once you’ve entered the password press “Yes” and you’ll see “Password?” again. Press No
You’ll now see the signal strength, ideally this needs to be 11 or more, if its not try moving your router around and see if that increases. If it says No Signal it may be you’ve entered the wifi name or password wrong.
Now keep pressing No until you see “Exit Manager Mode” and press Yes.
If you struggle get in touch with us via the contact us page.
How to playback cctv footage from the Hikvision app.
This guide is for playing back cctv footage from your mobile app, this works for both Hik-Connect and also Pro Control +
When you open the app on the top left corner you will see a playback icon like the one below:
Now choose the date and time you require followed by the camera you need, maximum 4 cameras can be selected at one time.
Now press start playback at the bottom of the screen and should see the camera playing back with a blue time line bar at the bottom of the screen:
Drag this bar left or right to move to a specific time.
Use the following icons at the bottom of the screen to do:
This is the quality of the playback, “Basic” quality is less quality but smoother footage (use when bad mobile signal). “HD” Quality is better quality but may run slower as its a lot higher quality picture. (Use when good signal or on the wifi)Start/Pause the clip Tap on this icon to zoom in on the footage, alternatively pinch in and out with two fingers on the screen to zoom in and out.Use this icon to take screenshot/still image of the footage. The screenshots are saved in “More” and “Picture/Video”This icon allows you to record the playback or take make a snipit for you to send. The video are saved in “More” and “Picture/Video”Use this Icon to set the playback speed. You can increase or decrease the speed of playback. (This may or may not show on your app)
How to use Pyronix Burglar Alarm
There are 2 settings to the Alarm, A and B.
A is for when everyone in the house is leaving and the whole house is being armed. B is for when you’re setting it to go to bed.
Setting the Burglar Alarm when you leave the house:
When leaving the house, enter your code, A will be lit up, press “Yes” or the โdepending on which keypad you have. You will have 30 seconds to leave the house and close the door.
Disarming the Burglar Alarm when entering the house:
As you enter the house you will hear the alarm beeping, you have 30 seconds to enter your code..Simply enter your code and the alarm will be disarmed.
Setting the Burglar Alarm when going to bed:
When going to bed simply enter your code, press B and press “Yes” or the โ. You’ll have a short silent count down and the alarm will beep once to confirm the alarm has been set.
Disarming the Burglar alarm when waking up:
Simply enter your code and the alarm will be disarmed.
How to Set Panic alarm off:
Keep Hold of the buttons 7 and 1 to set the panic alarm off- This will siren outside and inside. Enter your code to turn the alarm off.
When the alarm is set on B you can walk around upstairs without setting the alarm off, as the landing sensor is disarmed.